Emiliano Gomez replied to the topic Efficiently extracting network measures from saved .b2 file in the forum General Help (Braph 2.0) 1 year, 5 months ago
This question was solved with the following example of code:
In Nabin’s case the saved b2 file was a Comparison of Structural groups.[file, path, filterindex] = uigetfile(BRAPH2.EXT_ELEMENT, [‘Select the .b2 file.’]);
tmp = load(filename, ‘-mat’, ‘el’);
filename = fullfile(path, file);
tmp = load(filename, ‘-mat’, ‘el’);
comparison =…[
Emiliano Gomez replied to the topic DTI Analysis in the forum General Help (Braph 2.0) 2 years, 4 months ago
I have prepared a small tutorial. Hope it helps you.