Graph analysis using BRAPH, can be accomplish with the following steps:
Brain Atlas
- Defines the brain regions used for data analysis.
- Input format: *.xlsx, *.txt ,*.xml, *.atlas
- Output format: *.txt, *.xml, *.atlas
- Defines subjects and their arrangement into groups.
- Different cohorts are needed for different imaging techniques (MRI, fMRI, PET, EEG).
- Input format: *.xlsx, *.txt ,*.xml, *.atlas
- Output format: *.mc, *.fc, *.pc, *.ec
- Defines connectivity matrix, community structure and sub-graphs (if needed), for analysis.
- Connectivity matrix is calculated by specifying the type of graph, type of correlation and the management of negative correlation coefficients.
- Community structure is calculated by specifying the algorithm and parameters used.
- Different graph analysis are needed for different imaging techniques (MRI, fMRI, PET, EEG).
- Input format: *.xml, *.mc, *.fc, *.pc, *.ec
- Output format: *.mga, *.fga, *.pga, *.ega
- Computes global and nodal measures and between-group comparisons and compares the measures with random graphs.
- The analysis can be done on weighted undirected (WU analysis) and binary undirected graphs by fixing threshold (BUT analysis) or density (BUD analysis).
- Input format: *.xml, *.mga, *.fga, *.pga, *.ega