I am doing the group comparison on Functional Comparision BUT pipeline and getting the following error:
Error using ComparisonEnsemble/calculate_results (line 1220)
Out of Memory during deserialization
Error in ComparisonEnsemble/calculateValue (line 1121)
[cp.diff, cp.p1, cp.p2, cp.ci_lower, cp.ci_upper] = calculate_results(cp);
Error in Element/get (line 922)
value = el.calculateValue(prop);
Error in Element/memorize (line 968)
value = el.get(prop); % retrieves or calculates the value
Error in PPCompareEnsemble_CpDict/cb_comparison_calculate (line 1116)
Error in PPCompareEnsemble_CpDict/draw/cb_comparison_calculate (line 897)
Error using matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebMenuController/fireActionEvent (line 67)
Error while evaluating Menu Callback.
Could the memory issue be due to a lack of hardware resources on my computer? I am using a computer with 16gb RAM, 8 cores, Windows 11, Matlab version R2021a, and 8 workers running on a parallel pool.