Brain atlases format

Home Forums Software Bugs (Braph 1.0) Brain atlases format

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  • #22806
    Felix Proessl

    The brain atlases we currently are using are neither xls, xml or txt files, so we are having trouble uploading our atlas onto the software. Most of our atlases are in fact .iso or .img files and we are struggling to find conversion tools online. Is there any software that could help us convert our atlases or is there a way to implement the already existing atlases regardless of their file type?

    Thank you in advance!

    Giovanni Volpe

    Hi Felix,

    the simplest way to do it is to write manually the atlas you need either into a txt or xls file, or directly into Braph. Note that, for the graph analysis, the only important thing is that you have the right number of regions, while the coordinates and names you assign them won’t affect the graph analysis.

    Best regards

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