Plotting results of connectivity study

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  • #162668
    Rene Andrade

    I don’t know how to plot the results of my group analysis. Of the brain graph measures of a connectivity study. I do click right and try to plot but nothing appears. I don’t know if this is related to my connectivity matrix having 84×84 dimensions and the atlas 148 ROIs.


    Dear Rene,

    As you already mentioned, you should have the same number of ROIS in the atlas and in your matrix. In this case, you should only keep the rows of the 84 regions used for the analysis in the atlas file.


    Anna Canal

    Rene Andrade

    thank you!

    Rene Andrade

    My follow up question is that I don’t find a match between my data and any atlas. I have a mix of desikan with some other subcortical data like this

    35 L.CER Left-Cerebellum-Cortex 230 148 34 255

    36 L.TH Left-Thalamus 0 118 14 255
    36 L.TH Left-Thalamus-Proper 0 118 14 255
    37 L.CA Left-Caudate 122 186 220 255
    38 L.PU Left-Putamen 236 13 176 255
    39 L.PA Left-Pallidum 12 48 255 255
    40 L.HI Left-Hippocampus 220 216 20 255
    41 L.AM Left-Amygdala 103 255 255 255
    42 L.AC Left-Accumbens-area 255 165 0 255

    Is there any way to modify or create an atlas and import one by myself.

    I guess I just need to copy an atlas and modify the content of the new excel. Do I need to create txt also or just excel file?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Rene Andrade.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Rene Andrade.

    You can just create your own atlas in XLS, following the same structure 🙂
    And then make sure you have the same brain regions included in the atlas and in your subject’s data


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