My follow up question is that I don’t find a match between my data and any atlas. I have a mix of desikan with some other subcortical data like this
35 L.CER Left-Cerebellum-Cortex 230 148 34 255
36 L.TH Left-Thalamus 0 118 14 255
36 L.TH Left-Thalamus-Proper 0 118 14 255
37 L.CA Left-Caudate 122 186 220 255
38 L.PU Left-Putamen 236 13 176 255
39 L.PA Left-Pallidum 12 48 255 255
40 L.HI Left-Hippocampus 220 216 20 255
41 L.AM Left-Amygdala 103 255 255 255
42 L.AC Left-Accumbens-area 255 165 0 255
Is there any way to modify or create an atlas and import one by myself.
I guess I just need to copy an atlas and modify the content of the new excel. Do I need to create txt also or just excel file?
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Rene Andrade.
This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by
Rene Andrade.