Clarification of Confidence Intervals

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  • #23535

    Hello all,
    Can somebody confirm for me exactly what the 95% CI represents for group comparison results based on permutation testing in Braph? My assumption is that 95% of the randomly generated group differences from the permutation tests fall between the upper and lower CI values.
    For example: the actual difference in the strength of a given node between two groups is 2.771 and the 95% CI output by Braph is -1.626 to 1.608. Does this indicate that for 95% of 1000 permutations of the data, the difference between groups was somewhere between -1.626 and 1.608? And since the actual group difference is outside that range, it is significant?

    Apologies if an explanation for this is provided on somewhere on the site–I searched but couldn’t find it. Thanks for your help!!


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